“Hardly Find the Time”, the recently released Beatles-Esque single from Midnight Granger, is a low-key but biting existential plea to slow it all down and think harder about where your thoughts are coming from in the first place. The centerpiece descending bassline and melody work in tandem with a Damon Albarn stylish unassuming vocal delivery to give the song a comfortable, familiar feeling right from the start that leaves plenty of space for the story and message to settle in before slowly climaxing into a mesmerizing swirl of sound and thought.
“I wanted to make a song about my fear and anger towards the fact that we are constantly bombarded with information, opinions, life advice, etc. It’s easy to get caught up in whatever data stream swoops us up and to identify yourself with it. Then one day can start to feel like we are thinking someone else’s thoughts and thereby feel inauthentic, lost, and confused. For me, it’s sort of a stick it to the man song, but the man in this case is some ethereal stream of data from the sky,” says Midnight Granger.