“May you land the job that don’t bore you half to death,
May you land in some small town that you just get.”
Kieran Kriss opens his new oddly uplifting and motivational track “Pipe Dreams.” With an understated vocal delivery akin to Kurt Vile, Kriss hammers example after example of sometimes humorous and ridiculous sometimes really quite sweet tidings for someone unannounced. The instrumentation is almost easy to miss behind trying to follow the words to this song, but it holds the mellow, always moving vibe along for the full 3 minutes with a shoulder-swaying shell-heavy drum beat and a couple of guitar tracks roving around each other. Kieran Kriss has been releasing quite a bit since his debut in August 2022, and he doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon.
“Pipe Dreams is a litany of well wishes for a difficult goodbye. However, standing in contrast to a typical heart-wrenching sendoff, all it can muster is a little realism and a couple of mundane blessings. Not wholly bitter but not without a jab or two, Pipe Dreams speaks to the very beginnings of letting go and wishing the best – before you’re over it – especially with your more complicated relationships – when you can’t help but say it a little sarcastically,” says the artist.