Hannah Fairlight Shares Exclusive Track-Track Commentary On Fierce New Album ‘Lone Wolf’

It’s only ironic that on the 50th anniversary of David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs, Hannah Fairlight would share a similar canine-inspired photo for the cover photo of her new album Lone Wolf, out today. A robust 13 tracks that inspire the fearlessness of Chrissie Hynde and the modern punk-influenced musical karate chops of Sleater-Kinney, Fairlight is indeed an intrepid solo artist.

After debuting at the infamous rock club CBGB at 18 years old, followed by regular gigs at haunts like NYC’s The Bitter End and Arlene’s Grocery, Fairlight went on to grace stages across Europe, the UK, and Australia before settling in Music City, USA when landing a starring role in A&E’s TV show ‘Crazy Hearts: Nashville.’

 On Lone Wolf, Fairlight moves away from the introspective ballads of 2020’s Muscle & Skin and reignites her love of guitar-driven rock and cryptically electric hook-filled songs. On the release date, Fairlight was kind to give Glide an exclusive track-by-track run-down on Lone Wolf. Check out her notes below and the album in full.

1. Fever – A rock-girl anthem about the people in our lives who amp us up, fuel our engines, inspire us, make us laugh, give us lust for life!  Inspired by my sister and my friend Caitlin.

2. Sum Ppl R Jerx – An ode to practicing empathy and compassion, even when some people really ARE jerks.  Inspired by true events.

3. Take Too Much – A rallying cry for this generation and all to stop living aimless, lazy, wasteful lives and destroying our planet.  Also references gun violence and social and racial disparity in our country.

4. Jaded – A Ben Folds-style rock anthem for rekindling lost loving feelings and holding up a mirror.  A cheerleading song for long-term commitment.

5. Loser – A generous and delightful little “fuck you” song to an ill-matched sociopathic much older ex.  Based on true events.

6. Just Feel Better – A song about depression that I wrote during the pandemic, reflecting on a friend who betrayed me by attacking me in my weakest spot – my mental health.

7. If Only You Could See Me Now – Ode to an ex-girlfriend boasting “how do you like me now?” But still yearning for the past.  

8. Emotional Men – Commentary on the acceptance of men who go against societal “norms” and stereotypes, with an undercurrrent about the minuteness of humanity in the scheme of the universe, and global warming.

9. Naked – A love song about a first true love and feeling able to completely bare one’s heart to another… to be fully appreciated just as you are. Second song I EVER wrote on the guitar.  

10. How Many Times – How many times will I try to mend this fucked up relationship?  This is technicaly another song about “the old man” (ex boyfriend) and the weirdness of facing such a compromising and mentally abusive situation but continuing to come back for more.

11. Apologetic Me – You’re right, I’m wrong. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.  This is a song about an ex girlfriend who made me feel like I was always the one who was wrong in the relationship… but flipped the script saying you’ll be the sorry one when I’m gone!  I wrote this riding the N train in the wee morrning hours on my way. back to my Queens apartment.

12. Lone Wolf – This is a reflective song I wrote one cold winter night on my back porch about where I feel like I fit or don’t in the music scene and industry, and the pain of letting go of family and roots that are slowly dissipating.  Plays with how I have an affinity for being a loner but also how much I want to be part of and already am part of a pack.

13. Where – Story ’bout a girl trying to find her way. For Janie, one of my first roommates in NYC, written right after we both first moved there.  Originally written on a piano in the practice rooms at NYU.

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