Weirdo Wednesday: Nine Inch Nails Present Futuristic Avant-Garde Industrial Jazz On “God Break Down The Door”

Nine Inch Nails

Continuing our 21st-century Trent tribute this week, with all the excitement around NIN’s upcoming tour this year, it’s reasonable to speculate about a potential new album as well. And while Trent has confirmed the band is indeed working on new material, whether or not that coalesces into a new album in 2025 is anyone’s guess. But based on the band’s last (non-instrumental) album, 2018’s Bad Witch, fans have good reason to be excited about potential new NIN music. The final in a trilogy of EPs released in successive years, Bad Witch represented an intriguing evolution in the band’s sound by incorporating some jazzy elements into their patented brand of catchy industrial noise. Case in point is the saxophone solo on the standout track “God Break Down the Door”, captured live in this compelling performance in Mexico from 2018. Seeing Trent Reznor perform a sax solo live is somewhat surreal, but in the coolest way possible of course. And suppose the futuristic, avant-garde industrial jazz found on “God Break Down the Door” is any indication of the band’s future direction. In that case, fans have plenty to be excited about indeed. Dig it:

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