SONG PREMIERE: Piper Leone Brings Breezy Twangy Goodness Via “Joke’s On Me”

Photo by Alexander Fowler

As the Americana genre continues to expand even further into twangy realms previously corned off by artists like Emmylou Harris and Gillian Welch, there’s a rush of young voices permeating the twang universe. Enter Piper Leone, who sings with an unflinching confidence reminiscent of Sheryl Crow and Kacey Musgraves. The California-based singer-songwriter offers a natural and genuine vibe that toys with the majestic scenery of the west; a refreshing detour of the honky-tonk overflow of late.

Glide is premiering Leone’s new track “Joke’s On Me” (below), which wins as a feel-good breezy number that is just a little bit folk ’70s, just a bit country, and just a bit pop in all the right places.

When I wrote “Joke’s on Me,” I was at that point after a breakup where you feel like you’re over that person, but the “over it” feeling is actually still really fragile. You start getting overconfident in how ok you feel, and then maybe you run into them at a coffee shop or something, and it ruins your whole day even though you thought it wouldn’t. At that point, I realized my resolve to stay away probably wasn’t as strong as I thought. I started wondering what would happen if this guy texted me, and “Joke’s on Me” is basically me imagining how it would’ve gone if he had.

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