Phil Lesh Is Back!

Phil Lesh will return to the stage for two shows in what looks to be a good sign that he has put his recent health problems behind him. The former Grateful Dead bass player will play two shows at the tiny S.O.B.’s in New York City on April 9th and 1oth. Currently the band that will play with Lesh is unknown. Does it really matter?

Tickets are currently available through Phil Lesh Ticketing. Clearly these shows will sell out very quickly. For information on the password for the sale go to and solve the puzzle. We can’t give you any FEEDBACK about the password.

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6 Responses

  1. So pumped that I managed to grab tix and I will still be on vacation. Ahh, th perks of working in a Jewish Day School.

  2. Pretty sweet. Lesh fans rejoice. SOB’s is a great call. One of the most underrated venues in the New Amsterdam.

  3. Here’s hoping that if one of the friends is Ryan Adams is that he REHEARSES and gets to know the material.

    “Does it really matter?”

    If you were at the Fillmore in Denver back in July 2005, that answer would be yes, because Adams gave a thoroughly unprofessional performance that ruined *every* song he attempted to sing lead. He also had no clue on how to play in an improvisation-oriented ensemble.

    Now, I respect Adams as a singer/songwriter, but on that night, he committed more mistakes than an amateur on open mike night. That is not an exaggeration.

    Here’s hoping that the Phil shows rock regardless.

  4. Was anybody out there lucky enough to not only get tickets but happen to have an extra. Would love to catch either show.

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