It’s been awhile since we’ve done this, but I thought we’d take a break from the norm and offer a mix tape dedicated to great comedy, because who doesn’t like to get their laugh on? So let’s listen to some of these great indie-comics. Just a warning – most of this stuff is slightly NSFW…
We kick things off with Aziz Ansari talking about the realities of sheet thread counts from Intimate Moments For A Sensual Evening. From there, Jim Norton tells us why he’s fed up with people who have OCD from Trinkets I Own Made From Gorilla Hands
. Next, Doug Benson wants you to follow him on Twitter, and gives his best 140 character or less Tweets from Unbalanced Load
. From there, Michael Showalter loves coffee, but is wondering about the items sold at Starbucks from Sandwiches & Cats
Then, we’ve got Brian Posehn proudly admitting to being a heavy metal dork and recalling interviewing the band WASP when he was 15 years old from Live In: Nerd Rage. Finally, we close things out with John Mulaney talking about the perils of being a bench warmer on his youth basketball team off of his The Top Part