Forget the fame, the countless hits, the onslaught of music videos and Grammy awards, Outkast is arguably one of hip-hop’s best ever duos. And Big Boi is 50% of that. Math is hard, but given these facts, it’s easy to understand his draw. Hell, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised if Daddy Fat Sax had only given us songs from his solo projects, but apparently that’s not his style. His hour-long set flew gangbusters out of the gates with three of Outkast’s biggest hits – Rosa Parks, So Fresh So Clean and Ms. Jackson. But of course, he soon hit us with some of his non-collaborations like Ghetto Musick and The Way You Move, the latter of which was performed with about 20 girls on stage, dancing their way through their 15 minutes of fame.
I left half deaf, with my ears ringing, but thankfully I did not have to lean over a curb for my body to reject any shots of Sailor Jerry like some unfortunate girl I saw. Instead, it was a simple desire for more shows like this to grace this mountain state.
Check out more of Matt’s photos from Friday’s show…