With the football season wrapping up this past weekend, many of us around the HT HQ are eagerly anticipating the return of baseball, which officially gets underway this weekend as pitchers and catchers begin to report to Spring Training. This spring the soundtrack around the ballparks will get a dose of indie-rock as The Baseball Project will be headed to Arizona to play a string of shows at select Cactus League games. The baseball-centric band, who will release their sophomore effort Vol 2: High & Inside on March 1, will hit five stadiums this March, along with club gigs and an appearance at SXSW.
If you can’t make it to any of the band’s Cactus League dates, than maybe you’ll be able to hit one of these recently announced tours…
- New Porns & The Walkmen team up for a co-headlining run
- YMSB announce the dates for their Harvest Music Festival
- Alt.country act Phosphorescent line up a lengthy world tour
- Black Angels bring their brand of psych-rock to a town near you
- Peter, Bjorn & John put together a 28-date globe-trotting trek
- Pixies add even more Doolittle full album gigs for this spring
Finally, for his upcoming Revolver Tour with The Imposters, Elvis Costello has decided to dust off his “Spectacular Spinning Songbook” wheel to determine the setlist for each night’s show. The game-show wheel, which was originally used some 25 years ago, will feature 40 song-titles, including hits, rarities and very unexpected covers. According to Costello’s website – audience members will be invited onstage to spin “The Wheel” and then will be offered a chance to enter the “Hostage to Fortune Go-Go Cage”, while their selection is performed or to take a seat in the on-stage “Society Lounge”, where light refreshments will be served. The 12-date tour kicks offs on May 7 at the Grand Sierra Theater in Reno, NV and includes a pair of tour ending shows at New York’s Beacon Theater on May 22 & 23.
7 Responses
Scott my brother,
Ever notice how almost everytime you mention an indie rock band on here no one comments and more than likely prob dont even read it. I know you are trying to create a world where jambands and indie rock can join forces but so many indie rock bands wont even give jambands a listen. Im a long time reader and they give us no respect. I try and listen to every indie band I can but lets face it they seldom improvise they shit all over jambands and they go out of their way to make sure we jamband lovers dont feel comfortable at indie shows. Maybe in NYC but not to many other places in the country will you see indi and jam work. Someone spit at me bc I was wearing a MOE shirt at a bar in NYC last year just bc I like jambands. Funny thing is Im not a huge fane of moe either. Go figure he had on nice shoes big black square glsses a button down shirt and a black beard. Im sure it happens at jamband shows too but Ive heard this happening WAY more at indie shows. Tell your brothers its music to be shared by all not just the so called cool cats that think they own the club bc they spend every night there
Kyle, My Brother,
Though I didn’t write this article, our staffers write about the music they want to write about. I don’t care what “label” you attach to a band if I like their sound and I believe all of our contributors feel the same way.
– SB
I’ve been meaning to check out PB&J. Thanks for the heads up Scotty (my brother)
Just saying I love this page and to be spit at a show is disgusting. Been reading this for years and no matter what label you give a band when other fans spit at you and I dont care what you or your staff says, it was an indie show is 100% disgusting. Guess you and your staff really dont care about your fans. The spit hit my gf too how would you like to go out for a nice night of music and get spit on. Hope it never happens to you and fyi this wasnt the first time it has happened at an INDIE ROCK SHOW. Thanks for your support tho SB Spit is a great thing to have on your face.
I apologize you took my response that way. Being spit on at any show is fucking lame, I’m sorry you had to endure that. Just like it’s disgusting that someone is judging you based on your appreciation of jambands, I’d hate for the reverse to happen as well to indie fans. Hopefully you have better experiences in the future, because there are plenty of amazing acts out there in both genres.
– SB
Best site ever you guys get it thanks just frustrated today