Today marks the official launch of @Hidden_Track and to celebrate the start of our very own Twitter account we’ve got quite the contest for you. We’re giving away a pair of Sennheiser HD448 headphones, a pair of pavilion tickets for Phish’s return to the Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, NJ on June 10 and a stage setlist from tomorrow night’s UMBowl II.
The headphones up for grabs come courtesy of our friends at, a shopping portal that offers a wide range of headphone options from $30 EarPollution ear buds all the way up to $500 professional-grade cans. For our giveaway, has provided a pair of Sennheiser HD448 audiophile-grade headphones that retail for $99.95.
We’re a little more than two months from the start of Phish’s Summer Tour and the folks at Phish Inc. have provided a pair of pavilion seats for the band’s June 10th performance at the Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, NJ for a lucky winner. Tickets to this show are still available through Finally, the Umphrey’s org will grab a stage setlist from tomorrow night’s UMBowl II show, which you can watch via a $9.99 iClips webcast, for one of our readers.
Entering is easy. First, you need to follow our feed. If you already follow @Hidden_Track you are halfway there. Next, you need to send out a tweet saying the following…
I’m following @Hidden_Track and want to win #PH #HP #UM
By using #PH you are indicating you want to be entered to win the Phish tickets, the #HP hashtag lets us know you want to win the headphones while the #UM hashtag enters you to win the UMBowl II stage setlist. Feel free to use one, two or all three tags in your tweet depending on which prizes you’re looking to win. You can enter anytime between now and next Friday at 11:59PM EDT. We’ll pick the winners randomly next weekend. Good luck and thanks for spreading the word about @Hidden_Track.
6 Responses
I’m in. Twitt’d
I’m following @Hidden_Track and want to win #PH #HP #UM
I just finished being a fool and now I’m a twit?! Phishing for some tix?! woohoo!
i was at umbowl two and have seen um 108 times that setlist would be great to add to my bible of setlist !!
Nice moves
This is greatest blog.