Buried deep within the Press of Atlantic City’s article on the City Council delaying a vote on the possibility of bringing music festivals to Bader Field in 2012 comes confirmation that Phish is planning to tour next summer. Promoter Starr Hill Presents representative Ken MacDonald told the paper that Phish “will tour next summer” when he was asked about the possibility that the group will headline one of four festivals his company is planning for Atlantic City in 2012. MacDonald would neither confirm nor deny that Phish will indeed headline one of the events, but did confirm that Phish is planning to tour. Phish manager Coran Capshaw founded Starr Hill, a sister company of Red Light Management.
[Photo of DMB Caravan @ Bader Field by Jeremy Gordon]
While most fans did expect Phish to tour next summer, it’s nice to see confirmation, especially after Trey’s comments to Rolling Stone that 2012 would be “a less busy tour year” for the quartet. We’re also interested to see what Starr Hill Presents has in store for the four multi-day festivals they’re planning to bring to Bader Field in 2012 on the heels of last year’s DMB Caravan stop at the 142-acre former municipal airstrip. Atlantic City’s City Council has already approved festivals for June 15-17 and June 24-25 and will “reconsider” issuing permits for two more festivals (set for Sept. 22-23 & 29-30) at a January 4th meeting after tabling a decision yesterday.
36 Responses
Nice, would love another NE festival and AC is nice and close for me…
Multiple nights at the Hollywood Bowl (preferably three) would be great for me.
Just glad to see that a summer tour will happen. I expected at least a summer tour when trey said less touring. Prob means no fall or halloween again bc they have so much else going on
Keep phish on east coast, Indio was a UST, west coast had their chance
Indio sold more tickets than Watkins Glen smart guy…
Wrong smartie pants. Im not picking a fight here, but east coast festie wins, every time. And Watkins Glen ticket #s were artificially suppressed so they could go back if they wanted. Phish has been known to do that you know, if you were at The Clifford Ball, and you actually believed they sold 65, 000 tickets only, i cant help you.
Most accounts say Indio had 10,000 to 20,000 more attendees than Watkins Glen.
Hollywood Bowl was sold out (while some east coast sheds weren’t.)
West Coast can definitely handle more Phish.
only reason why all/most the west coast shows sold out was because there were not that many out there. Also, east coast venues didn’t sell out as much because phish saturated their whole tour in the east specifically north east.
YOU sir, are a JACKBALL.
Bring Phish to AC ……..
how about not forgetting the midwest, us poor suckers in kansas city always get the leftovers or nothin’… at least st. louis for chrissakes. we dont get much so when we do, we show the love, come to kansas city please. im tired of being the late add on stop to tours, kc never makes it to tour tshirts 🙁 and we never get a good band want to spend their friday or sat night here, always a sun or wed. COME ON MAN! 🙂
Psh. Play here, play there. Tune up your car and go.
Alaska? Hawaii? How about a Mayan Festival in December? Belize maybe? Or Egypt? Get a passport… and start saving your money now!!!
How about red rocks?… cuthbert in eugene?
Scott, thanks for posting. Any more rumors regarding this. How about a festival up in the northeast somewhere? Thanks!
Chicago or at least somewhere close to Chicago!
Hey west coast, you had the Dead. Phish belongs to the East. Sorry. Maybe next time.
I would love to see Atlanta, Florida, Carolina shows.
We love you in the South Phish!
Boy am sure glad you know your geography…..Again the west has the GORGE and there is nothing else that compares sorry
do it at bethal woods air strips are too hot it seemed pretty laid back too
all i know is if you need space the everglades(big cypress) can accomadate
hey how about red rocks ,well either way ill be there
were ever you go there you are
ya know
I second the Kansas City stop. Plenty of places to play now around town. Grab some Q too while here plus 2003 is almost 10 years past boys, not acceptable. Plus you bring the heat here and you know it, man. I’m out
Oh man. Seriously, “east owns Phish”?! Phish is not as well known on the west coast which is a delight for those of us east coast transplants who can experience Phish in Tahoe without the bedlam of wookie nation (for real). I enjoy my band wherever the fuck I am.
Last time Phish played in KS 2 of their prodction team got arrested(drug related). The cops are like Nazis down there. They will never go back. In my opinion they should stay above the mason dixon line. As for a festival, it will stay in the Northeast. The problem is they need to find a place with infrastructure(fences, water, descent roads) already in place. Those places are very hard to find. The days of Limestone and Coventry are over. They are not willing to piss $ away like they used to on Festivals. I am confident the festival will be held in AC.
Nicely put. They rock wherever their at. Get in your cars and drive. “east coast owns phish” what a joke!
East coast vs west coast??????
Sorry east coast, we got the GORGE. SEE U THERE
all this east coast / west coast nonsense reminds me of the gangster rap beefs of the mi 1990’s. Hands down the best three night run of 2011 took place in Chicago and the boys should consider another later summer run in the best city in the country
you must not have been at SB9 or the 3 night run in Colorado….hoooooooooooooooooooooooot fiiiiiiiiire!!!!!!
Please play 2 at PNC in Holmdel, NJ….I live 8 miles from the AND theres FREE PARKING !!!
Some newb will always have a problem no matter where they play.. personally.. west coast shows more fun. I loved Indio and the gorge and the bowl..even though im from baltimore
Sounds like a bunch of ego issues here. You goons should be happy theyre playing at all! Who gives a f**k where they play. everyone wants them in their backyard and everyones backyard is the best. Phish will play where they want to play deal w/it. And quit winning about setlists on other blogs you negative bastards. Its 2012 phish is alive!
And thats whining for your auto correct.
How about VERMONT! it sucks ballllllllls that since 1995 phish has only played Vermont 3 times, flynn 97, coventry 04, and 9/14/11 . thats sad …really really really sad
That’s just because they don’t want to Jersey Vermont. It’s for your own good.
Thanks for the info. I have frequently wondered how that all panned out. Can you keep us up to speed on any developments?Geordie