Soulive’s upcoming Bowlive III run of shows at Brooklyn Bowl continues to look better with each passing day and each new announcement about who else will join the core band members at the ten show run. Today, the band revealed that the members of Lettuce who aren’t in Soulive will join the group at their March 6 and 7 performances.
Lettuce’s Adam Smirnoff Explains
Soulive also announced the opening acts for seven of the shows. Rahzel will open on March 1, the Alecia Chakour Band will open on March 2, the Nigel Hall Band will open on March 3, Zach Deputy will open on March 6 and 7, Hall and Chakour will open on March 9 and The London Souls will handle opening duties on March 10. Here’s a look at what we know so far about this run…
T 2/28 John Scofield
W 2/29 John Scofield
R 3/1 Rahzel & Karl Denson + ?uestlove Bowlive Train
F 3/2 Karl Denson & Jennifer Hartswick
S 3/3 Marco Benevento & Jennifer Hartswick
T 3/6 Lettuce, Zach Deputy, Skerik, & Allen Stone
W 3/7 Lettuce, Skerik & Zach Deputy
R 3/8 Citizen Cope & Alice Smith, George Porter Jr. & Billy Martin +?uestlove
F 3/9 George Porter Jr.
S 3/10 TBA
R 3/1 Rahzel
F 3/2 Alecia Chakour Band
S 3/3 Nigel Hall Band
T 3/6 Zach Deputy
W 3/7 Zach Deputy
F 3/9 Nigel Hall & Alecia Chakour
S 3/10 The London Souls
Bowlive III kicks off on Tuesday at Brooklyn Bowl and runs through March 10.