It’s been a few years since the last Pure Jerry release, so we had started to wonder whether the flow of Jerry Garcia live archival material had been turned off. Thankfully the newly launched shows us that Jer’s estate has a new archival series about to start and it’s called Garcia Live. The first Garcia Live release will feature the two Jerry Garcia Band performances from Passaic’s Capitol Theatre that took place on March 1, 1980.
Set to come out on or around November 9, Garcia Live Vol. 1 shows off a version of the Jerry Garcia Band that featured Garcia on guitar and vocals, John Kahn on bass, Ozzie Ahlers on Keys and Johnny de Foncesca on drums. The JGB played both an early and late show on March 1 at the historic venue that were originally multi-tracked on a 24-track mobile rig for WNEW’s broadcast of the early show. This release will be mixed by John Cutler and mastered by Joe Gastwirt. You can currently pre-order a 3-CD set or digital download in FLAC or MP3 format.
Here’s the tracklist for Garcia Live Vol. 1:
Early Show:
Catfish John
How Sweet It Is
Simple Twist of Fate
Sitting in Limbo >
That’s All Right
Late Show:
Mission in the Rain
That’s What Love Will Make You Do
Russian Lullaby
Tiger Rose (w/ Robert Hunter)
Promontory Rider (w/ Robert Hunter)
Midnight Moonlight
E: Dear Prudence
5 Responses
After Midnight is the shit so this should be tasty as well. Although the After Midnight –> Eleanor Rigby –> After Midnight was the best thing about that release.
Ozzy Ahlers had a great synth sound.
Video from the new release
While I am glad we’re getting some new Archival stuff – does it make me a grumpy old deadhead to wish that the estate dug into something that was REMOTELY low in circulation – these shows have been out in almost perfect, Barry Glassberg F.O.B Reels since March 5th of 1980… You would think that something a little off the beat track would drive sales a little – having said that, I am sure I will buy it – Sophmore year in high school adventure that these shows were from Southern Jersey…. but still… Lets dig into some Jerry/Howard Wales stuff from 71…
I agree with Andy – been waiting forever for new stuff and this is essentially the same tracks and band as the After Midnight multitrack release. That said, this is SOME GOOD SHIT so just complaining a little. If this turns out to be a regular stream of show content like Dave’s Picks, then let’s chalk this one up to priming the pump. Final thoughts: Ozzy added some sweet back-up vocals in this line-up. How Sweet It Is probably the best example. Wonder is Deborah is getting coin from this…
It’s funny. This was one of the shows I learned the JGB by back in 1980. Heard it over 100 times back then. In fact,this is the Catfish John that is burned in my brain. Fortunately it’s smoking! Listening to this show after not hearing it for 20 years is very weird. So, while it’s cool to have this show released, I have to agree with the above comments that I’d rather hear something I’m not familiar with.