Hail to the king, baby.
The last four days at this year’s Fantastic Fest showed audiences that original storytelling is alive and well in cinema.
Back at the cabin, Ash has a confrontation with himself.
Ash vs. Evil Dead has their best episode to date.
It’d be wrong to say Ash vs. Evil Dead is getting bad, but it is getting tedious.
Is Ash vs. Evil Dead paving the way for a Pablo takeover?
Ash goes on a spirit quest, and an old “friend” points Ruby in the right direction.
Any doubts we may have had following last week’s episode of Ash vs. Evil Dead were completely shattered this week. Hail to the king, baby.
[rating=7.00] “Bait” There felt like there was a something missing from this week’s Ash vs. Evil Dead, and I’m pretty sure that was Sam Raimi. Whereas last week’s pilot reveled
[rating=9.00] “El Jefe” Ash is back, and holy hell, is it groovy to see him. The Evil Dead series is one of the more remarkable works of modern camp classics, with