Here are two fun facts about electronic music: 1) IT’S STILL AROUND 2) IT’S BETTER THAN EVER. But how would you know? If Justice is your gateway to present time beats than you have walked into a dead end street in Paris. Oops. But it’s OK. Wyllys is here to walk you out into the great wide open.
This new segment features DJ Mixes from up and coming young DJs and some old pros. I will give as much info as possible for each artist, however, it’s all about where you go clicking. The journey is the destination. With each new mix, hopefully comes more time spent by you searching new DJs out. There’s nothing wrong with rocking someone else’s music as long as you are truly rocking.
This first mix comes from DJ by Stephan Stefanski (awesome name) entitled Deep Stories. As you guessed, this errs towards the deeper side of House. You will notice a minimal feel, as most of Stephan’s mixes are in that sub genre. Lots of gradual repetition and a very dreamy atmosphere. Great mixing throughout. It reminds me of Aphex Twin’s Selected Ambient Works.
Enjoy and if you are a DJ and want your mix on Wyllys and The World Party, just send it in with as much info about yourself as possible. Send your submissions to scott [at] Keep digging in those crates, kids. Vinyl Will Survive.