Longtime Dumpstaphunk drummer Raymond Weber has parted ways with the band after a seven-year tenure behind the kit for the Ivan Neville-led group. Yesterday, Weber took to his Facebook page to announce that “[Dumpstaphunk] fired me” which led to a rather nasty exchange between him and Neville in which the keyboardist accused Ray of “tanking” and “half playing” gigs.
The action started with Weber posting, “well i guest its oficial now raymond weber is no longer the drummer for dumpstaphunk band. im now independent for hirer.” When asked why he was out of Dumpstaphunk, Weber responded, “they fired me.” Ray went on to express his disappointment and how he had previously declined a number of gigs to stay with Neville’s group, “7 years with dp building and being loyal not takeing big money gigs like warren haynes gig joe sample gigs and john scholfield maze franky beverly dr john had plenty of ofers but did not take them because of loyalty to the band .were does dat leave me now.”
Ivan Neville apparently had enough and got involved in the thread. “Love you like a brother Raymond … we all know you’re an amazing drummer/musician …. but when you purposely tank & half play gigs … that is unfair to yourself, your band mates, & more importantly unfair to the fans who pay to see you !!” Neville wrote. Weber responded right away, “so thats the deal i tank on the gig i dont think so bra i think its becausei had alot of other opertunatives comeing my way and you guys jump the gun thinking i was going to take a sertin gig.” A fan urged the pair of [former?] friends to work out their issues in private to which Neville responded, “you are right !!! but, i don’t want Ray to be makin it out to be all our faults !! He knows what he did !!” At that point the musicians seemed to understand fighting on Facebook wasn’t good for anybody and stopped commenting.
While Dumpstaphunk hasn’t officially announced Weber’s departure, all signs point to former Beyonce drummer Nikki Glaspie getting the gig. For his part, Raymond said he has “new tricks up my sleeve.” Next up for Dumpstaphunk is a slot at Bite of Bend 2011 in Bend, OR on Saturday.
8 Responses
Has the B List does a “Top Ten Awkward Falling-Outs” list?
at least raymond got to do a very brief cameo on “treme” this season.
haha at least he always has antoine batistes soul apostles to fall back bruh
Sucks seeing great bands fight. But my 10 year old nephew doesnt even fight with his friends on FB haha. Gotta love dramabook or face drame which ever y’all prefer
Maybe the band should take a break as a whole and go back to school for spelling and grammar, man that was painful to read.
Come on Adam, you know Antoine Batistes can’t book high profile gigs, especially when Kermit is playing down the street.
I think Ray has a shot at being an excellent proof reader.
New Word of the Day: “Opertunatives”…Can you use it in a sentence? When my band fired me, I had a plenty of “Opertunatives” to play with other musicians.