February 4, 2008

Pullin’ ‘Tubes: Philco Does Ripple

While the left coast waits for Barack Obama to do his best Bill Graham impersonation, we turn our attention to the 1999 Mountain Air Festival… Scotty dug up this video

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GUTML Announce Inaugural Awesometown

The fellas from Give Us The Money Lebowski have played enough festivals to know exactly what works and doesn’t work for hippiejamgatherings. And now they are using that knowledge to put together their own festival, Awesometown, on May 9th and 10th at Snipes Farm in Morrisville, Pennsylvania. For a mere $40 you get two nights of camping, tons of music from a wide range of bands, and maybe if you’re lucky, GUTML guitarist Nick Setteducato will tuck you in at night.

Give Us The Money Lebowski will headline the event each night, bringing the crowd a fun mix of covers and quirky originals. The Breakfast, Allen Aucoin’s Dr. Fameus and Scarecrow Collection are all on board to make sure the event lives up to the name, and look for more bands to be added to the lineup soon. Read on after the jump for the full lineup so far and more information on what’s sure to be such a good time that Walter Sobchak would break Shabbos to attend.

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A Webcast Update for The Dead Obamas

Last week we expounded on Barack Obama’s uncanny ability to unite, the presidential aspirant’s bringing together of quasi-estranged Grateful Dead remnants Bob Weir and Phil Lesh for a pre-Super Tuesday

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Hors d’Oeuvres: That Giant Little Upset

The New York Football Giants shocked the world by pulling off an incredible victory over the heavily favored Patriots in what was one helluva game — it was actually kinda hard to sleep last night in New York City thanks to the roar of the fans celebrating in the streets. Guess you can’t win ’em, all Boston fans. We rank Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers’ rapid fire parade of hits atop the non-football highlights, followed by the Prince Caspian commercial and the talking Tide stain.

Let’s see what’s cookin’ as we pretend we don’t have the world’s worst hangover:

  • Four More Albums: U2 avoids free agency by resigning with Universal
  • Lefsetz isn’t down with the Vampire Weekend hype machine
  • NMAS’ Luther Dickinson sure knows how to make a room shake
  • Ted Rockwell shares his thoughts on a recent Mars Volta show in Boulder
  • moe.’s Rob Derhak speaks to the Boston Herald about Sticks and Stones
  • The Duo wouldn’t sound like The Duo without Dirty Jerz
  • As always Neddy delivers a list of the NYC shows of the week

Finally, Filter Magazine sent Pat McGuire on the road with Band of Horses to document one of their recent tours of the West Coast. The road journal McGuire came back with features many interesting anecdotes and factoids from the road.

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Colin Meloy Announces Solo Tour Dates

Colin Meloy, lead singer/songwriter for The Decemberists, will embark on a solo tour of the United States on April 7th.  Singer-songwriter Laura Gibson will be the supporting act. The tour coincides

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Infradig: Ecstatic Everywhere

If you enjoy live electronica, Infradig may be one of the best bands you’ve never heard of—and sadly, you may never hear from them again. The group disbanded in late 2007, leaving Ecstatic Everywhere as a sonic reminder of their frenetic power.

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U2 3D: The First Live Action 3D Concert Film

$14.50 for a movie isn’t exactly cheap, in fact you can pick up a DVD at Best Buy for less.  But a 3-D IMAX film billed as the first live-action movie shot, produced and exhibited solely in digital 3-D, $14.50 for a thrilling hour and a half front-row concert seat is a deal.  And if you’re a U2 fan and Bono’s inflated persona jumping into your Goobers doesn’t weird you out, than U2 3D is as good as it gets.

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