April 21, 2010

Video: LCD Soundsystem – Drunk Girls

LCD Soundsystem enlisted vet music video director Spike Jonze to put together a video for the catchiest tune on the yet to be released This Is Happening LP, Drunk Girls,

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Review: Phish 3D – Likes and Dislikes

Having passed on Avatar and hearing mostly meh things about Alice in Wonderland, the last time I saw a 3D Movie in the theaters Dennis Quaid was chasing a giant shark and Darryl Strawberry was a lanky rookie. So I was a little unsure of what to expect from the Phish 3D preview on April 20 in Brooklyn. Since the music has been reviewed ad nauseum (and for the record – I am in the “the Exile set was amazing, the acoustic set was cool and the rest was pretty average” camp when it comes to the music played that weekend), here is a quick rundown of the things that I liked most about the movie and a couple of things I would have done differently.

  • I like how far 3D glasses have come. Gone are the cardboard versions with one blue lens and one red lens that dig in painfully behind your ears. In its place is a version that more resembles a cheap pair of sunglasses bought at a drugstore. But after two hours, I will admit they gave me a headache.
  • I liked the way that 90% of the footage in the film is concert footage. A few shots of the festival and the crowd are fine but overall, show me the band and the action on the stage. For the most part, this film does just that. The footage of the band, the horns and the backup singers jammed into the practice room is fantastic. I could have watched that all night.
  • I liked the way the 3D allowed you to get a real feel for the spacing on the stage. When Page leans over his keyboard during the funktastic Undermind (which by the way is by far my favorite 2009 addition to the setlist rotation) and peers over at the other side of the stage, you get a real feel for how close he is to Trey and how far
    he is from Fishman. When the band is pulled in close for the acoustic set, you can feel it. When Fishman and Gordon are locked in and looking at each other, you feel like you are right there next to them.

READ ON for more of what Luke liked and didn’t like about Phish 3D…

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Lost Cubicle Chatter: The Last Recruit

Check in on Wednesday of every week during Season 6 of Lost to share your thoughts, theories, complaints and assessments of the previous night’s episode. Big time SPOILER alert for

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God Street Wednesdays: Earliest Videos

We’ve been loving the flood of “new” old God Street Wine audio and video that has found its way into circulation over the past few months. With Winos gearing up

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Ben Sollee and Daniel Martin Moore: Dear Companion

Superficially, Dear Companion appears to be a protest record, one with songs aimed squarely and angrily at the target – in this case, the horrifyingly irresponsible act of mountaintop removal coal mining. You can read all about the proceeds going to Appalachian Voices (an organization dedicated to stopping the practice) and about how three musicians from Kentucky – Daniel Martin Moore, Ben Sollee, and Jim James – came together to write about their love for their home state. But Dear Companion isn't full of the fire and brimstone you'd expect from musicians trying to make a point about a controversial issue. Instead, the record uses honey in place of vinegar, and the result is an experience with a broader worldview.

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Infamous Stringdusters: Things That Fly

Infamous Stringdusters began their career as a super group of Nashville pickers that blew away fans and critics with their caliber of songs and jaw-dropping instrumental skills which transformed into an impressive live act.  On their latest release, Things that Fly, they had the privilege to record at Dave Matthews’ Haunted Hollow studios in Charlottesville, Virginia and enlisted renowned producer Gary Paczosa. 

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